Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a holistic science, based on a comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment.
It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.
The treatments are based on the idea that the whole body is interrelated. The goal of each treatment is to assist the body to restore balance, thus allowing a state of greater health to occur.
Osteopathic practice includes extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology
Osteopathy can be an effective therapy for promoting health of patients experiencing the effects of acute injury, chronic pain, and chronic conditions, and relief from general tension, aches, and stress.
Therapeutic massage is an effective mode of treatment. A skilled massage therapist will help you heal, relax and de-stress the entire body.
Swedish massage is the most popular form of massage. Therapeutic Massage Therapy is focused on getting results.
In response to different conditions, your therapist will tailor your treatment to provide you a therapeutic treatment.
Your Massage therapist will combine the assessment skills and knowledge of physiology, body mechanics along with their personal experience to provide you with a proper treatment plan and effective care.
The ancient wisdom of Yoga teaches that Life is already given to you, you are completely loved, and you are here now. It teaches that we are not separate, cannot be disconnected from nature, which sustains us in a vast interdependence with everything.
The universe comes perfectly and is incredible in its integration and infinite existence. This union is our natural state, and this union is Yoga.
When you experience this connection to the fullness of creation, of nurturing source, you are doing your Yoga. Yoga is your direct participation in nurturing source.
I will offer you things I believe can help you do your Yoga. It is not a one-way fare though, your effort and commitment will help you achieve this goal, so please join the path to inner realization. YOGA is within all of us
I have been teaching Yoga for more than 20 years.
I teach virtual classes on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning.
Please get in touch with me to know more about it
Shock wave or radial wave therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment of injured soft tissues, specifically tendon and plantar fascia.
The application of pulsed waves is an evidence-based, effective treatment for plantar fasciitis and most tendon conditions, including Achilles, hamstring, patellar, and tennis elbow tendinopathies. Combined with Massage and/or Osteopathy, shockwave can help speed up the healing.
Hot Stone Massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated basalt stones which absorb and retain heat well.
The heat can be deeply relaxing and help warm up tight muscles so the therapist can work more deeply and quickly.
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy that aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. Visceral Manipulation does not focus solely on the site of pain or dysfunction but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem, as well as restrictive patterns throughout the body. (Barral Institute)
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